More than 100,000 women have already filed lawsuits against vaginal mesh manufacturers after experiencing complications from their vaginal mesh failure.

What is Vaginal Mesh?

Vaginal mesh is a net-like implant that is used to treat conditions such as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POI) in women. Vaginal mesh is often referred to as “transvaginal mesh” because that is the name of the surgical technique surgeons use to implant the mesh through the vagina to support a weakened vaginal wall, urethra, or bladder.

How Do I Know If My Vaginal Mesh Failed?

Complications from vaginal mesh can appear immediately after the vaginal mesh is implanted or even years later. There are certain symptoms that can indicate vaginal mesh failure:

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Pelvic pain or swelling
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Bladder & bowel problems such as infection and incontinence
  • Prickling feeling or sharp stabbing pain in the vagina, which can worsen with exercise
  • Abdominal, buttock, or leg pain

Complications from Vaginal Mesh Failure

Symptoms of vaginal mesh failure can indicate that a complication from the implant has occurred. The complications often require revision surgery, and possibly multiple surgeries if the mesh is difficult to remove. Complications include:

  • Abscesses (pus-filled sores)
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Mesh erosion
  • Nerve damage
  • Neuro-muscular problems
  • Organ perforation
  • Pain
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal scarring
  • Vaginal shrinkage due to scar tissue
  • Urinary problems
  • Recurring prolapse
  • Recurring incontinence

Mesh Erosion and Organ Perforation

Mesh erosion and organ perforation are the most difficult complications to treat. Mesh erosion is the most common complication, and it occurs when the vaginal mesh erodes through the tissue and becomes visible. The mesh’s movement causes severe pain and infections, and can potentially affect other areas of the body such as the bladder and rectum. Organ perforation occurs when a hole develops in an organ. In this case, the hole could be caused by the mesh.

Nerve Damage and Neuro-Muscular Problems

Nerve damage is a serious complication that can be caused by vaginal mesh. Symptoms of nerve damage include:

  • Inability to sense chest pain, such as angina or heart attack
  • Hyperhidrosis (too much sweating) or anhidrosis (too little sweating)
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Constipation
  • Bladder dysfunction
  • Sexual dysfunction

Neuro-muscular problems occur when muscle function is impaired due to issues in the nerves and other muscles. The most common symptom is muscle weakness.

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

SUI and POP are conditions that vaginal implants are supposed to treat; however, the conditions can be aggravated if the vaginal mesh fails. SUI occurs when the bladder leaks urine during moments of physical activity due to increased pressure on the bladder. POP occurs when organs sag or fall into the vaginal canal due to weak pelvic muscles. Organs involved in POP usually include the bladder, uterus, rectum, or bowels.

How GoldenbergLaw Can Help You

If you or a loved one were harmed due to a vaginal mesh failure, contact the Minnesota Vaginal Mesh Attorneys at GoldenbergLaw. Our team has more than 35 years of experience providing the Gold standard of client service. We are currently accepting Vaginal Mesh cases nationwide. Contact us today for a free consultation.